Saturday, July 20, 2024

If you have Golden Syrup from the UK


Easy Treacle Tart Recipe


Follow the 9 steps of this easy treacle tart recipe and make treacle tart part of your tradition.

For the pastry

Plain flour sieved  295 g
165 g Butter, unsalted, diced
4.5 Tbsp cold water


For the filling 

450 ml golden syrup   1 tin

25 g unsalted butter

1 large egg

3 tbsp double cream

30 g bread crumbs

lemon zest  or 2 sachets Dr. Oetker lemon ready zest 

Easy Treacle Tart Recipe


Follow the 9 steps of this easy treacle tart recipe and make treacle tart part of your tradition.

Step 1

Pulse the flour, butter and salt in a blender until the mixture resembles large crumbs. Add the water and briefly blend until it comes together in a ball – then wrap in cling film and chill for 20 minutes.

Step 2

Cut off one-third of the pastry and set aside for the lattice top. Roll the rest of pastry out on a lightly floured surface to about 4cm (1½”) bigger than a loose-bottomed tart tin, 22cm (9”) x 3.5cm (1½”) deep. Line the tin with pastry, trim the excess and lightly prick with a fork, then chill for 30 minutes. Add the excess to the pastry set aside for the lattice top.

Step 3

Preheat the oven to 190°C/170° Fan, 375°F, Gas 5. Lay some baking parchment in the tin over the pastry and then put your baking beans in, over the parchment. Place in the oven and pre-bake for 15 minutes on the middle shelf. Remove the paper and beans and bake for a further 8-10 minutes to dry the pastry out. Remove the tart from the oven and put it on a baking tray. Reduce the oven temperature down to 180°C/160°Fan, 350°F, Gas 4, ready for later.

Step 4

Roll the extra lattice top pastry out thinly and set aside on a tray to chill in the fridge for about 20-30 minutes – this makes it easier to handle.

Step 5

Gently warm the Lyle’s Golden Syrup in a pan over a low heat, remove, then add the butter and stir until melted. Leave to cool a little. Using a fork, beat the egg and cream together in a separate bowl, then quickly beat in the syrup mixture along with the lemon zest and crumbs. Pour into the pastry case.

Step 6

Remove the pastry from the fridge and cut into 10 strips of 1cm width which are long to overhang the edges of the tart tin.

Step 7

Lay 5 parallel strips equally spaced over the tart. Fold back every other strip and place one strip of dough perpendicular to the parallel strips. Unfold the folded strips over the perpendicular strip. Now take the parallel strips that are running underneath the perpendicular strip and fold them back over. Lay down a second perpendicular strip (evenly spaced) and unfold the folded parallel strips.

Step 8

Continue this process until all 10 strips have been placed. Trim the edges of the strips for a neat finish to fit inside the tart.

Step 9

Bake on the middle shelf for 45-50 minutes until richly brown and set. (The filling will still be a bit wobbly, but it will firm up on cooling.) Remove, leave to cool until warm, then remove from the tin, slide onto a plate and serve.


So, there you have it – you now know how to make treacle tart and it’s a part of your baking repertoire! For a lighter version of this recipe, just cut down on the pastry and leave off the lattice top. In the unlikely event that you have leftovers, your deliciously yummy treacle tart can be stored in an airtight container for up to 2 days. Make sure that your tart has completely cooled before storing.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

If you have red lentils




100 gLinsen, rote
1Zwiebel(n), gewürfelt
1 DoseTomaten, stückige
300 mlHühnerbrühe
3Frühlingszwiebel(n), in feine Ringe geschnitten
50 mlSahne
1 SchussBalsamico
1Knoblauchzehe(n), durchgepresst
Parmesan, frisch geriebener
250 gNudeln


Arbeitszeit ca. 20 MinutenKoch-/Backzeit ca. 15 MinutenGesamtzeit ca. 35 Minuten
Nudeln al dente kochen.

Inzwischen Zwiebeln in Öl anbraten, dann die Linsen dazugeben und kurz anschwitzen. Heiße Hühnerbrühe angießen und aufkochen lassen. Bei mittlerer Hitze 10 - 15 Minuten köcheln lassen, bis die Linsen gar sind. Die Tomaten zugeben und aufkochen lassen. Frühlingszwiebeln, Knoblauch und Sahne hinzu geben und mit Salz, Pfeffer, Balsamico und Cayennepfeffer abschmecken.

Mit den Nudeln und mit Parmesan bestreut servieren.
Salz und Pfeffer

If you have chickpeas....


Kichererbsen-Curry Chana Masala

indisch, vegan

Zwiebel und Tomaten würfeln. Chilischote in 1 cm Stücke schneiden. Aus Ingwer und Knoblauch mit dem Pürierstab eine Paste herstellen, evtl. etwas Wasser dazugeben, damit es leichter geht. Kichererbsen abschütten und unter kaltem Wasser abwaschen.

Pflanzenöl heiß werden lassen und Garam Masala, Kurkuma, Kreuzkümmel, Koriander und Chilipulver kurz anrösten. Die Ingwer-Knoblauchpaste dazugeben und kurz mitbraten. Zwiebeln ebenfalls anbraten. Tomaten und die grünen Chilis mit dem Wasser dazugeben und ca. 15 Min. offen einkochen lassen. Öfters umrühren!
Die Soße sollte dann schön dick sein, nach Bedarf Wasser hinzufügen, damit das Curry nicht anbrennen kann. Kichererbsen hineingeben und mit Salz und einer Prise Zucker abschmecken.
Nochmal aufkochen lassen und mit einem Stampfer oder Löffel ein paar Kichererbsen zerdrücken, um eine Bindung der Soße zu erreichen.

Dazu schmeckt Naan oder Basmatireis.

Arbeitszeitca. 20 Minuten
Koch-/Backzeitca. 25 Minuten
Gesamtzeitca. 45 Minuten
Kcal p. 395

Zutaten für 2 Portionen:

Sunday, January 7, 2024

How to make the best potato salad recipe


This is from 
a spicy perspective web site.  Joe made this for Christmas Eve.   


  • Cut the potatoes into quarters and place them in a large stockpot. Fill the pot with cold water until it is 1 inch over the top of the potatoes. Set the pot over high heat and bring to a boil. Once boiling, add 1 tablespoon salt and cook the potatoes for 13-15 minutes, until fork tender.
  • Meanwhile, in a medium bowl mix the mayonnaise, sweet pickle relish including juices, mustard, apple cider vinegar, celery seeds, paprika, 1 teaspoon salt, and pepper to taste. Stir until smooth. Then chop the eggs, celery, onions, and dill.
  • Once the potatoes are very tender, drain off all the water. Remove the loose peels and chop the potatoes into 1/2-inch chunks. It's okay if they are soft and crumbly. Place the potatoes in a large bowl. Gently mix in the dressing until it coats the potatoes well. Then stir in the eggs, celery, onions, and dill. Taste, then salt and pepper as needed. Garnish with fresh dill and paprika.
  • Cover the potato salad and refrigerate for at least 4 hours. If you have time to make it ahead, it tastes even better on day two! Keep refrigerated in an airtight container for up to one week.